Welcome to the NY Small Farma Share Your Voice Page

NY State is currently writing the rules for the new regulated cannabis market. Before those rules can be finalized, they must first propose the rules to the public. The state is then legally required to receive and read the public’s input. We need your voices to protect our legacy operators, our culture, and our communities. As New York State releases the regulations, we will summarize and analyze the regulations for you.

To make the process for you as simple as possible, we summarize comments for you and place them in an email. All you need to do is click the Share Your Voice button under the regulation topic that you want to weigh in on and an email will open from you to the regulators with the comments already in the body of the email. All you need to do is click send. If you want to add or change the comments, you can do that as well and then send it along.

NY Small Farma also sends in formal comments to the State and we post those for you to read as well. All the information on regulations (the language proposed by the state, our summary and analysis, and our formal comments are all posted in our Regulatory Timetable under our Regulations menu button.

There are currently no open regulations so sign up below to get notifications when the regulations come out and follow us on social for all NY Cannabis information.