Below is a table that tracks all the cannabis regulations released by the state.
The public is allowed 60 days to comment on round 1 and 45 days to comment on revised regulations. Not all regulations become revised. We are currently in the final stage and the public comment period closes on Sunday, July 30, 2023. This is your last chance to comment. To see OCM responses to first round of public comment click here.
When enough people suggest the same changes and provide the justification for those changes, such as, through facts, research, personal experiences, and reasoning, OCM will (and has) revised the proposed rules to incorporate those comments. The more people who send in the same or similar comments, the greater chances are we affect a change in the rules.
We have made commenting easy for you. Got to our Share Your Voice page and click on the ‘Support NYSF Comments’ button and an email from you to the regulators with the NYSF comments already included will open and you just have to add your name and where you are from and then click send. To make your comments even stronger include a few sentences on why you are supporting our comments or what you want to see in a new a legal cannabis community. Go to our Share Your Voice page now or click the ‘Support the NYSF Comments’ button below.
The table is organized as follows:
Column 1: Name of the regulation and a link to read the full regulation. If OCM revises the proposed regulations based on public comment, the first round of regulations are marked as round 1 and the revised regulations are listed immediately below and marked as revised.
Column 2: Posts the status of the regulations. If the regulations have become the final rules, links to the full regulations are posted here along with the date of the final rule.
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Note: If you don’t see the table below, please click here.
If viewing on mobile device, you may need to scroll to the right to see the full table.
Draft your own comments and submit via email or postal mail:
New York State Office of Cannabis Management, PO Box 2071, Albany, NY 12220